Why I’d Like A Job In Social Media, Part II

Here’s some of my talents I’ll use in social media.

  • My passion for it (read post below.)
  • My foundation of advertising.
    • Steve Kopcha, Craig Ligibel, Alex Bogusky, David Ogilvy, Bill Bernbach, et al., are just a few advertising masterminds I’ve directly or indirectly learned from. I’ll take the lessons (integrated marketing campaigns, incremental new business, ROI, the big idea, etc.) they’ve taught me and put them in to social media.
  • I love learning.
    • I have a lot to learn about social media yet I’m loving what I’m learning right now. Meta descriptions, keywords, title tags, long and short tails, etc., scared me at first glance but now I’m understanding them and will love to use them once someone hires me.
  • Advertising + writing + computers + stats & analytics + me = excitement.

    I realize there’s a risk in hiring me but risk is a double-edged sword: you know you’ll see either success or failure in the future because of it. I can tell you I see both too but I see the upside in hiring me. My teachers, coworkers or bosses will tell you I work hard and smart to bring them to the success they took a risk to find.

    Let me know if you’re willing and ready to take the risk in hiring me.

    About John Wiehe

    Start-up SEO. Mizzou J-school grad. Eagle Scout. Learn more about me at Google+, +John Wiehe.
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