My SEO Web Site Revisions

I’m happy to put in two improvements – a new title, URL tags and meta descriptions – for the sake of my site’s SEO today. My past five weeks of starting this site was more involved with Web building and deciphering HTML over SEO. I can now focus my energy to SEO (thankfully) as there’s not too much building for me to do.

  1. John Wiehe’s Start-up SEO replaces my old title, Why Am I Doing This?
    • It gives a better understanding of what I set my site out for.
  2. I finally put in URL tags.
  3. I also finally put in meta descriptions.

I’m excited to see how much these tweaks will help my SEO out,

About John Wiehe

Start-up SEO. Mizzou J-school grad. Eagle Scout. Learn more about me at Google+, +John Wiehe.
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3 Responses to My SEO Web Site Revisions

  1. Zach H says:

    You can utilize the tag, without needing to resize images.

    • Zach H says:

      Hmm. Well it works on my HTML5 sites. I meant the “code” tag, assuming a tag instead of quotes.

    • Zach H says:

      Also, you definitely need a meta line for “keywords” in addition to description – this is what the engines will crawl for inquiries. The description is what will show in the text below the results (make sure to add it to your default index page, too! note your description[s] when google’d).

      Best of luck.

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