Day Nine: The Connection Between SEO & Bon Iver

Bon Iver – Skinny Love

You’re probably wondering where the connection between SEO and Bon Iver is. I will tell you. Bon Iver – Justin Vernon – created his first album by himself in a Wisconsin cabin in 2006 – 2007 with no one really knowing who he was. Between then and 2011 the big guns such as Kanye West and Peter Gabriel are sampling and covering his music. His exposure grew but his tenacity stayed the same, which shares the path of SEO.

Desire, elbow grease and talent compose search engine optimization, leading to success for the businesses implementing it. Every story I’ve heard about a business or blog, regardless of size, putting SEO into practice has always ended with improvement and an increase in value. I hope this blog will join that category with my desire, talent and elbow grease.

Thanks for reading,

About John Wiehe

Start-up SEO. Mizzou J-school grad. Eagle Scout. Learn more about me at Google+, +John Wiehe.
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